Thursday, June 6, 2013

Learning How to Run...

Is there a "wrong" way to run?  Do you really have to learn how to run?  I'd say yes to both of those questions!

Now, ask a runner what the right way to run is, and they'll give you their opinion.  But ask more than one runner and you'll likely get differing opinions!  So, is there a "right" way to run?  I am trying to figure that out now.

I'm finding that it's an individual learning process, and what works for one person may or may not work for another.  So the "right" way for me is probably not the "right" way for you.  And where do you begin?  I started with an app on my iPhone called Couch to 5k.  I saw a pin about it on Pinterest (one of my guilty pleasures) and was intrigued - could I go from the couch to a 5k in 8 weeks?  Only if you stick with it!

I am still using that app, but have also started reading articles and books about running - trying to learn how to breathe correctly, figuring out my stride, etc.  Over the last week and half I've been reading this book:  

It has really helped me change my breathing habits, and I've been adjusting my stride according to his recommendations, and you know what?  It's working!  I'm breathing easier and my legs aren't hurting after a run like they were before (shin splints are no fun, by the way).  If I had more time to train before my half marathon, I'd give his run walk method a try.  I am essentially running and walking now with the app, but not as gradually as he recommends, which I think would be beneficial to a lot of beginners.

So, I'll keep reading and learning and adjusting.  That's part of the fun of a new activity or hobby - learning all about it and perfecting your skill!

~ Courtney

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