Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How did we get here?!?!

So, a few months ago I started "running".  I'm not sure if I'll ever call what I do running - I feel more like I'm jogging.  But I'm out there - learning, trying, to run.  I've started and stopped this adventure a couple of times already...

But about a month ago a friend of mine posted on Facebook that she wanted to run the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon/Half Marathon in October - any takers???  Several of her running buddies responded that they'd be in for the half marathon.  13.1 miles.  Six months away.  Could I do it?  I certainly want to try.  So I raised my hand... yikes!

Now, this isn't an easy marathon to get in to - we've had to sign up for a random drawing which will happen in about two weeks.  But since I raised my hand I've been running jogging faithfully, building up my endurance and distance slowly but surely.  Fingers crossed we get picked to run!

Not to say there are any nay-sayers in my life, but I have a few people who seem to think I am out of my league (which I may very well be).  BUT, I am going to do this.  Because I want to.  Because I can.  It's all in the attitude, right?

So, follow my progress and adventures here.  Couch to half marathon... there's an app for that isn't there???

~ Courtney

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