Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What A Year!

Well, 2014 is about to come to an end.  And I just happened to look up at my magnet board at my Running Resolution schedule for the year.  Boy, was I busy running.  When I decided a year ago to commit to one event every month for one year, I really had no idea what to expect, or where it might take me.  It has been an amazing year!

I ran my first half marathon in January of 2014 - and as of December 2014, I have run six!  And lowered my PR by 18 minutes!  I managed to run at least one event in every month of the year - and in some months, I ran multiple events!  I qualified for Half Fanatics, traveled out of state for 3 half marathons, and decided to run a Ragnar Relay and a FULL marathon in 2015!  I also joined the I Run 4 family, and have a buddy, Hannah, that I get to dedicate all of my miles and races too - it's so inspiring and fulfilling in a way I didn't know was possible.

I can't wait to see what next year has in store for me - I am already so excited to run my sister's first half marathon with her in January at the PF Chang's Rock N Roll in Phoenix.  Then February looks to be a momentous month for me - my first Ragnar Relay and my first full marathon.  I never, ever thought I'd want to run a full marathon, so this seems crazy to even me.  I'm in week 12 of training for the full, so it's already no joke though!

In closing out the year, I have to share with you a photo from my last half marathon.  My husband, who is much faster than I am, ran the whole way with me.  He encouraged me, and pushed me, knowing that I wanted to beat my previous PR.  It was awesome having him with me, and getting the extra support I needed to kill my previous best time.  Thanks, babe!!!

~ Courtney

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Sweet Smell of Success!

Honestly, words cannot express how excited I was (and still am) after finishing my half marathon Saturday morning!  Since mid-July I have been training harder, cross-training, eating healthier and really focusing on a better me.  That effort paid off this weekend.

I have been seeing improvements in my body, health and running over the last few months since I made the decision to improve myself.  It's amazing how a couple of small changes like eating less junk and exercising more can make such big changes!  Not only have I lost weight and gained muscle, I've gained confidence in myself I've never had.

So, when my husband, Mom, Dad and I flew to San Francisco last week for vacation before my half marathon I felt good.  I had every intention of running a couple of times throughout the week leading up to the half, but alas, that didn't happen (what kind of hotel gym doesn't open until 7am??).  Still, I knew my training had been enough and I was ready.  Never before was I so calm before a run/race - not even shorter races!

I set out Saturday morning with two goals - First, to run the entire 13.1 miles with no walk breaks.  Second, to finish in 2 hours 15 minutes, which would blow my previous PR of 2 hours 27 minutes out of the water.  I accomplished both!!!  I finished in 2 hours 14 minutes and 35 seconds!  I'm not sure I stopped smiling the rest of the day!  And the thought of my accomplishment still brings a smile to my face now.

So, don't give up on yourself - ever.  It's taken me two years to get here.  Wednesday the 22nd is my two year Runniversary!  I ran my first "race" last November.  My first half marathon in January.  And this is the first time I've run the entire 13.1 miles - and it's my fourth half marathon.  Running isn't easy for everyone - for me it's hard work - but oh so worth it!  The sweet smell of success is worth the time and effort and pain.  Keep going.  You can do it!

~ Courtney

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mid-Point Check-In!!!

I know it's been a little while since my last post - let me just tell you, I've been SO busy!  As I mentioned, I decided to take on P90X3 along with my running/half marathon training (and eating healthier - which is probably the hardest part, lol)!  Well, here I am a little over half way through, and let me just say, it's well worth the hard work.

I get to take measurements again next week, but at my 30 day measure up, I'd lost 3 inches around my waist and an inch or so on each of my thighs and bust!  Holy cow!  I'm excited to see how much progress I've made now - not sure it'll be that dramatic, but I know for sure I'm getting there!  I am really enjoying the changes I'm seeing in my body, and how I feel.  Running is getting a little easier, and my times are improving - woo hoo!!!  All of that is helping me little by little silence the voice in my head telling me "can't", because I just know in my heart that I can.

I ran this morning, and I know I did well, and just happened to look at my split times a few minutes ago.  All negative splits - and my second mile was at a 9:19 pace and the next was at 9:09 (I did push hard at the end)!!!   Low 9's?  Are you kidding me??  I am so excited right now!!!

Getting up every single morning and doing P90X3 and running several days a week is really paying off!  Believe me - it's getting old in the sense that I would LOVE to sleep in one day.  One.  Day.  But I know myself well enough to know that if I don't get my run or workout in in the morning, it likely won't happen at all.  So rise and shine early it is!  I'm loving the faster paces I'm throwing down, and loving seeing the muscles in my legs, and how good I feel!!!  I can do this - I will do this.  I AM doing this!

So, here's to the next five weeks, and finishing strong!  Half Marathon, I'm going to own you!

~ Courtney

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Room For Improvement

Can someone please tell me why I keep signing up for half marathons?  I find them so intimidating and miserable!  And every time I finish one, I am thanking God I made it through and it's over.  But then, I start thinking about the next one...  I am a glutton for punishment!

My Costume Party Half Marathon in San Diego was... was... eye opening.  I felt pretty darn good about it going in.  Told myself I wasn't going to run a pace I knew I couldn't keep up for 13 miles.  And I did great at that - and I ran for 10 straight miles!  I've never done that before!  Even in my training I had to take short walk breaks now and again!  I was feeling so good, and getting closer to the finish line.  And then it started getting warmer, and more humid and I let my mind tell my body I couldn't make it.  And I had to run/walk/run the last 3 miles.  It was still a good overall run for me, but it made me realize that I for sure haven't rid myself of those demons that tell me I'm no good.  I'm too weak.  It's time to work on me.

So, back now from vacation, let the work begin.  Cross-training is the new name of the game - actually that will be my main focus for the next 90 days as I embark on P90X3.  And healthier eating.  I have gained back the 10 lbs I initially lost running, and I have plenty more to lose.  And the mental part - I really need to work on that too.  Remind myself daily that I can do this, that I'm good enough, that I'm worth it.

I have a couple of easy 5Ks the next two months, and then another out of town half marathon in October.  We're going all the way to Folsom, CA for the Folsom Blues Breakout Half Marathon!  I can hardly wait (remember, I said glutton for punishment).  And I'm really hoping that the healthier eating, cross-training and continued running will make this my best half yet!

For now, I leave you with this little gem from the Costume run :)

~ Courtney (aka Wonder Woman)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Yep, still here!

Has it really been two months since I posted on here??  Holy cow time flies!!  I'm still here and still running!

In fact, I've participated in three events since I last posted: Pat's Run, The Night Run and a Father's Day 4-Miler.  I PR'd in two of those events and disappointed myself in the other.  But, you move on and keep your head up.

I'm in the final weeks of training for my next half marathon which takes place July 13th in San Diego!  I'm pretty excited for this run mostly because it's out of town, and I get to dress up!  I haven't trained as much as should (story of my life) and I'm sure I'll feel that while running.  But, it's the beginning of my week of vacation, and I can't wait!

I'm also excited to start more cross-training - this is definitely an area I've been lacking in, and I am hoping it will help my endurance and overall running abilities.  I've gone a year and a half with basically just running, and I think it' s time to step it up.  I really want to be in better shape and I know my running can improve.

While I am by no means a competitive runner (I know I'm not fast, so pass me, I don't care) - I've found myself comparing my results/times to others more and more lately.  And it's been getting me down.  Why?  I have nothing to prove to others.  I am running, which I never thought I'd do.  And I love it.  So what does it matter if someone else is faster than me?  It doesn't matter.  I have my own dreams and my own goals, and will feel good about my own accomplishments.  We are all unique - so don't compare yourself to everyone else :)

~ Courtney

Monday, April 21, 2014

Talking to Myself

I think I've felt uninspired to post on here for a while because I feel like I'm just talking to myself.  And maybe I am.  But I have also noticed that when I don't talk to myself about running and my goals and accomplishments or setbacks, I become uninspired about running.  Seems like a bit of a catch-22...

After "taking a break" while traveling, etc. getting back to where I was with my running has been a lot harder than I anticipated!  It shouldn't come as a surprise to me though - I read plenty of running magazines and articles that talk about it.  I just hadn't really experienced it for myself.  Now I know - breaks are SO not worth it.

If I'm being honest, I've also been struggling with my motivation.  My goal/resolution at the beginning of 2014 was to run in a race/event every month this year to keep me going and keep me motivated and inspired.  So far, so good.  I'm running in Pat's Run (www.patsrun.com) this coming weekend with my sister and I couldn't be happier to run with her for the first time.  I've signed up for three more half marathons this year, and a 10k next month and that leaves four openings for easier/fun events.  I'm happy to be sticking to my resolution, but at the same time feeling blah about training and running...

I've recently joined a couple of Facebook groups that focus on running - one local, one national and that's helping a little.  Seeing other's accomplishments, struggles, questions.  I've also done a couple of virtual runs to raise money for charities, and that always feels good.  I guess I'm just feeling more like "I can't" than "I can" lately.

Watching the Boston Marathon this morning was pretty amazing though.  To see those elite runners gliding along as if 26.2 miles was just a jaunt through the park on a normal day.  And the pace they were keeping!  Amazing!  It did make me realize I can do more.  I just need to push myself and believe in myself.  Maybe someone watching me run some time this year will be inspired to do the same - you just never know.  So here's to getting back on track :)

~ Courtney

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lessons Learned!

As I mentioned in my last post, I ran my second half marathon on March 9th.  And as I feared, my lack of training ahead of time caught up with me.

So, lesson #1 - Train.  Even if you "just" ran the same distance race two month prior and you've been running fairly consistently since then, you need to train.  Did I finish the half marathon?  Yes.  Did I have to take more walk breaks than during my first half marathon?  Yes.  Have I learned my lesson?  Yes.

Another big difference between my first and second halves, was the size of the event.  The first was a Rock N' Roll sponsored event with 16,000+ runners.  The second was a city sponsored event with about 300 runners.  Biggest difference aside from the crowds?  Aid stations.  The city sponsored event had way less stations, and they only had water at the stations.  I didn't realize that would be an issue for me until about mile 10 when my fingers started swelling and tightening up.  Guess who could have really used some Gatorade or Powerade for hydration??

So, lesson #2 - bring your own "ade".  Or just be sure to know if the aid stations at your event will offer some sort of sports drink and/or Gu or energy chews.  So on top of not training properly, I wasn't staying hydrated - not a good combo.  But now I know to pay more attention to the race details and/or just fill my "water" bottles with a sports drink so I can aid myself!

Last, but not least, I have continued to run without music.  No headphones, no iPod, nothing.  This is true on my daily runs and at events like the half marathon.  I know music can be motivating, and can help keep you going.  But do you know what happens without it?  You hear things - nature, people, life around you.  It's pretty amazing, and during an event, you might just make some new friends.  I did!  A couple miles in a man named Chuck caught up with me.  He noticed I wasn't wearing headphones and struck up a conversation.  We kept pace with each other and ran the next four or five miles together - which really helps pass the time!

So, lesson #3 - ditch the headphones.  You might make new friends.  You might actually enjoy the sounds that nature has to offer.  I promise it's very relaxing, and quite enjoyable to run with just your own thoughts even if no one else is around.  Give it a try!

Now, back to training, which I know needs to start including Fartleks and cross-training.  No pain, no gain!

~ Courtney

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I have to admit my guilt.  I've been a slacker the last few weeks.  And I'm going to pay for it - I am running another half marathon on March 9th!  Vacations have not been my friend this month, but ultimately, I'm to blame.

So, I better get my butt in gear and get moving!  And remember:

~ Courtney

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


So, with my New Year's Resolution being to run a race in every month this year, I'm likely to collect a little bling.  But not every race offers a finisher's medal for participating.  No biggie - I just want to keep up with my training and running.

This past Saturday was February 1st, and the day I ran my February race - it was the only day this month I could fit one in!  Boy are we busy!  Anyhow, my hubby and I ran a 5k that only handed out awards to the top 3 male and female finishers overall, and then top three male and female finishers in each age group.  Guess who decided to try and earn a medal - no, not me.

My husband ran a decent race, was mad at himself for not pushing harder, and I finished in a respectable time, but by no means had pushed myself.  He wanted to leave right after (being that he had to head straight to work).  But I encouraged him to wait for the awards ceremony - you never know, right?  Low and behold, he won 1st place in his age group for men!  So proud of him!  Want to know what was funnier than that?  A minute later they called out my name for 3rd place in my age group for women!  What?!?!

I cannot tell you how much fun it was to earn a medal that way - I know I earned my medal for the 1/2 marathon (anyone who runs 13.1 miles deserves a medal).  But "winning" a medal is a whole new feeling of joy!  And motivation.

Good thing too - the Run Club I joined a few weeks back is kicking my butt, and just challenged each of us to run 60 miles this month.  Yikes!  Not only are there only 28 days this month, but I'm on vacation for a week - not a good combo.  But, challenge accepted.

So, here's to sticking to New Year's Resolutions, earning some bling, and taking on a new challenge!

~ Courtney

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I ran 13.1 miles on Sunday!  It was my first half marathon, and I'm happy to say, likely not my last!  I was so nervous up until we ran across the start line (and there was no turning back).  But I ended up having an excellent running buddy who matched my pace and chatted with me the whole time.  What a difference it made to have someone to run with - normally my husband ditches me (and he did Sunday as well) and I run alone.  Having someone else to run with and distract me was awesome!

The miles just ticked along, and before I knew it we had made it to 4.5.  Then to 8.1 (well over half way)!  And then we tackled a horrible hill and made it to mile 10.6 - only two and a half miles to go!!  I really couldn't believe it!  My legs were getting tired for sure, but the finish was so close.  One more quick water stop and words of encouragement from the volunteers and we were on our way.

Getting close to the finish line the music got louder, the spectators grew thicker and my drive to finish grew stronger!  I crossed the finish line with a big goofy grin on my face and I honestly wanted to cry - happy tears of course!  What a great feeling!  Not only did I feel dumb for doubting myself, I felt amazing for what I had just accomplished!  A half marathon done and in 2:27:46 - not bad for my first if I say so myself!

My resolution for 2014 is to run a race in every month this year.  It doesn't have to be a half marathon, although my husband is now addicted to that high, so we're eyeing at least four more for this year!  I may just do a 5k or a 10k, whatever!  I just want to continue to keep up with training and getting better!  And I'm not going to lie - crossing a "real" finish line is a great feeling!

Here's a few pics from Sunday!

~ Courtney

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The End Is Near

3 days.  And I think I'm in denial.  Not really - I'm actually really nervous, and super excited to complete my first half marathon!

Words cannot express how happy I'll be when this is over - I know I'm going to feel so good about accomplishing this goal.  But I have been stressing myself out the last couple of weeks, worrying that I'm not ready, and I won't be able to finish.  And then I remind myself that I'm not trying to win - just finish.

So, I head in to this weekend (praying I don't get sick, because the flu seems to be making the rounds) taking it easy, doing my last couple of easy runs, and trying to remember that even if I have to walk every couple of miles for a minute or two, I will finish.  And most of all - it will be fun!

Good luck to anyone else running their first (second, tenth, etc) race this weekend too!  No quitting - we've got this!  

~ Courtney