Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I'm not going to lie - I've been struggling the last week and a half!  I don't know why.  I reached my first goal of being able to run a 5k!  And it seems like since then I'm having a hard time going further.

I know it's mental.  But I cannot seem to get myself out of this funk.  I moved on in my training plan and did the first day with almost no problem.  The second day - I wimped out after two miles (my stomach was upset and my hamstring hurt).  I let myself quit.  Yesterday I ran almost the full four miles but quit with 3 minutes left on the clock... the draw of my driveway and water was stronger than my will to finish!  UGH!!!

Ok, so now that I've confessed, no more quitting.  Tomorrow is a new day, and I CAN do this.  And I want to!  So, here I go with a renewed resolve to own this next mile.  And the one after that, and the one after that... you get the picture :)  And..... GO!

~ Courtney

Friday, July 19, 2013

Get Happier!

Another motivational pic for the weekend!  And this has been how I've been living the last couple of months - although I hadn't really thought about it.  And you know what?  It's working!  Ran 3 miles this morning, I've been eating healthy and juicing, sleeping better (finally) and overall my life has been better lately!  Love it!


~ Courtney

Monday, July 15, 2013

No breaks!

So I posted last week that I'd caught a cold and hadn't been running.  Big mistake. Huge.

I ran finally on Saturday morning and picked up where I left off - running 2 1/2 miles (remember, I'm a beginner, and not a runner :)).  I didn't feel so hot, but pushed through and was quite proud of myself!  No huge concerns on my part at this point - I'd been sick for 5 days and hadn't run since Sunday.

Well, I ran again this morning (I run every other day) and the next step in my training program was 2 3/4 miles.  Holy smokes did I feel it today!  I really had to push through the fatigue and negative thoughts on this run.  I honestly didn't think I was going to make it, but then knew how disappointed I'd be in myself if I gave up.  So I pushed on.

But let me tell you, taking a break is not a good idea and not worth it.  I know being sick or injured is a totally valid excuse/reason.  BUT I will never let myself take a break just because - I've experienced first hand just how much you're set back by taking just a few days off!  I am SO glad that I ran while on vacation in San Diego.

So here's to looking forward and moving ahead, and running while on vacation in Seattle in September!

~ Courtney

Thursday, July 11, 2013


So, I haven't run since Sunday because I'm sick.  Who catches a cold, in Phoenix, in the middle of summer??  I do.

And I'm starting to stress out that I'm setting myself way back by not running for four days now!  I know I'll do more harm than good if I wear myself out by trying to run before I'm well, but I'm having a really hard time dealing with that logic right now.

So, a reminder for myself:

Patience is a virtue...

~ Courtney

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

A little inspiration/motivation for today.  And a reminder that we run because we can - because we're free.  Because of countless brave and selfless men and women who have died for our country.  And we run for those who have fought and come home injured, and can no longer run.

I run because I can....

Just like this proud American waving our beautiful flag!  THAT is what Independence day is about - remembering why we get to do the things we love and honoring those that make it possible for us!

~ Courtney

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keeping the Momentum

So I just returned from a week vacation in San Diego, and I'm proud to say that I ran while on vacation!!!  I'm sure you all know how easy it is to be lazy on vacation, so I'm really proud of myself for not taking the easy way out and making excuses to not run.  Plus, running by the water was so fun! Way different than running in the desert - and way cooler too!

I did get "bad" news while I was on vacation - I didn't get in to the Nike Women's Marathon/Half Marathon in San Francisco this year.  Bummer!  But I won't lie - part of me was a little relieved - I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of running those hills and by needing to be ready by October.  So, now I have until January to train for my first half.  I do think I need to find a couple of shorter races in between to keep me motivated and get some practice in...

So, I guess I'll go search for some fun events in my area on active.com!  Any other suggestions for finding races/events?  I'm new at this, so would love suggestions!

~ Courtney