Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Keeping the Momentum

So I just returned from a week vacation in San Diego, and I'm proud to say that I ran while on vacation!!!  I'm sure you all know how easy it is to be lazy on vacation, so I'm really proud of myself for not taking the easy way out and making excuses to not run.  Plus, running by the water was so fun! Way different than running in the desert - and way cooler too!

I did get "bad" news while I was on vacation - I didn't get in to the Nike Women's Marathon/Half Marathon in San Francisco this year.  Bummer!  But I won't lie - part of me was a little relieved - I was more than a little intimidated by the thought of running those hills and by needing to be ready by October.  So, now I have until January to train for my first half.  I do think I need to find a couple of shorter races in between to keep me motivated and get some practice in...

So, I guess I'll go search for some fun events in my area on active.com!  Any other suggestions for finding races/events?  I'm new at this, so would love suggestions!

~ Courtney

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